Jumat, 26 November 2010

Gestalt Theory

I love Gestalt Theory - this one with poster color (manual coloring)

"The concept of Gestalt was first introduced in contemporary philosophy and psychology by Christian von Ehrenfels (a member of the School of Brentano). The idea of Gestalt has its roots in theories by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,Immanuel Kant, and Ernst MachMax Wertheimer's unique contribution was to insist that the "Gestalt" is perceptually primary, defining the parts of which it was composed, rather than being a secondary quality that emerges from those parts, as von Ehrenfels's earlier Gestalt-Qualität had been." wikipedia.org

Photography Manual Camera

Photography with manual camera.
Film: ProPlus
ASA: 100
Speed: 125
Film BW: Lucy
ASA: 100
Speed: 250
panning ...

Mix Media Color Pencil and Watercolor

More Detail ^__^ not bad lah... hehehe

My Crayon Artwork

miss to draw... with color pastel

Kamis, 25 November 2010


Logo done ...
Already finished all media event ^_^ Flyer, TShirt, Caps, etc.

Flyer Layout Aphrodite Golf Day

Finished Flyer and Email Flyer layout... - but a little bit problem, hope this event will carried out.. Amen

Selasa, 23 November 2010

My Design for OB Golf&Lifestyle Magazine

OB Golf&Lifestyle Magazine edisi 40... (already work since 35th edition).
this, one of my favorite cover. I love sport color there... make it life.

Graphic Designer

Im a Graphic Designer work for PT Visi Prima Golf and we plubish OB Golf&Lifestyle Magazine since October 2008.

Herbert Simon: Everyone designs who devises courses of action aimed at changing existing situations into preferred ones, artinya: "Setiap orang mendesain untuk merencanakan serangkaian aktivitas yang bertujuan untuk merubah situasi yang ada menjadi lebih baik".

"A degree or certificate from an accredited trade school is usually considered essential for a graphic design position. After a career history has been established, though, the graphic designer's experience and number of years in the business are considered the primary qualifications. A portfolio, which is the primary method for demonstrating these qualifications, is usually required to be shown at job interviews, and is constantly developed throughout a designer's career." - open wikipedia about graphic designer

buat mendesign yang di perlukan: ide, akal, mata, tangan, alat gambar tangan, dan komputer.
.... gw kerja dulu lah... lagi banyak deadline... ^__^ sempet dah nulis ginian...

Jumat, 19 November 2010

My Blog Inspired by

Suatu hari gara2 ga mood gw cari2 link yang aneh...
gw mau cerita di blog lama gw ternyata blog gw ga bisa di buka...

Gw tertarik sama:

hahaha... gw ketemu webnya c monyetpinter itu gara2 gondok ga ngerti2 maksud co gw yang programmer itu...
gw bukalah google:
'programmer' >>
hasilnya nonggol tuh link ke blognya monyet pinter... HAHAHA lucu, smart....

About ME

lagi ga mood di kantor terus gw buat blog baru, gara2 blog lama gw ga bisa gw buka (my bad).
1. gw lupa password-nya
2. blog gw yang lama udah ga jelas fokus kegunaannya sekarang gw mau buka blog ini lebih jelas ahhh biar ada gunanya buat yang baca